Earthship Tulum Homes


Building the first earthship homes in Tulum, Quintana Roo,Mexico.


The Eco Hut features several features to make sustainable living in the tropics possible.

The Eco Hut features several features to make sustainable living in the tropics possible.

Ultimate Stage 2 Eco Hut Home

Constructed of Light Galvanized Steel, high impact windows, eco roofs, solar power engery & more!

Constructed of Light Galvanized Steel, high impact windows, eco roofs, solar power engery & more!

Earthship Galvalume Steel Eco Home * Click for info

Casa Eco de acero Galvalume * Oprima para mas info

Casa Eco de acero Galvalume * Oprima para mas info

First Earthship Tire Wall in Tulum Quintana Roo

Primer pared construida de llantas en Tulum Quinatana Roo

Primer pared construida de llantas en Tulum Quinatana Roo

Steel Structure Quonset Hut Home

Click image to see more info about this Exquisite Metal Quonset Hut Home

Click image to see more info about this Exquisite Metal Quonset Hut Home

Eco Bunker Tiny Home with Solar Lighting

Eco Bunker Tiny Home with Solar Lighting

Eco Bunker Tiny Home with Solar Lighting

The Perfect Tiny Home Eco Bunker

The Perfect Tiny Home Eco Bunker ° 3 sizes to choose from

The Perfect Tiny Home Eco Bunker ° 3 sizes to choose from

Mobile Eco Bunker Office Tiny Home with AC and small Bathroom.

Mobile container equipped with 2.4 m tall slanted roof, AC, small bathroom, Doors, Windows, & Lighting.

Mobile container equipped with 2.4 m tall slanted roof, AC, small bathroom, Doors, Windows, & Lighting.

Mobile Eco Bunker Office Tiny Home with AC and small Bathroom.

Mobile Eco Bunker Office Tiny Home. 8ft wide x 24 ft long x 8 ft tall ° 6 m2 65 sq. ft of space.

Mobile Eco Bunker Office Tiny Home. 8ft wide x 24 ft long x 8 ft tall ° 6 m2 65 sq. ft of space.

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Containers modified into Hotel, office, house, or warehouse

Contenedores modificados para hotel, casa, oficina o bodega

Contenedores modificados para hotel, casa, oficina o bodega

Container modified into 300 sq ft cabin * Click image for info

Contenedor modificado en cabana de 28m2 * Oprima la imagen para mas info

Contenedor modificado en cabana de 28m2 * Oprima la imagen para mas info

Paradise Rockstar Fantasy 6.5 Acre Island for Sale

Click on the image to see prime for sale by land owner deals

Click on the image to see prime for sale by land owner deals

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